Mastering the S.C.O.R.E. Negotiation Framework

A Practical Guide for 1P Vendors

by Martin Heubel

Want better results from your vendor negotiations with Amazon?

Annual trade negotiations are a complex matter to deal with. They ultimately decide over your success or failure with Amazon. Yet, the negotiation process is becoming more transactional each year.

But what if there was a framework that helps you effectively prepare your annual vendor negotiations? One that gives you clarity on the steps required to navigate even the most difficult discussions with Amazon?

Introducing: The S.C.O.R.E. Negotiation Framework.

A framework that guides your teams through the complex annual trade negotiation process with Amazon.

What does S.C.O.R.E. stand for?

S = Study and Prepare

C = Create Leverage

O = Own the Negotiation

R = Resolve Escalations

E = Enhance Outcomes

Download the white paper to learn more!

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